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Arthur Dating Profile Page

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Arthur's Dating Bio

  • Age: 33
  • Birthday: June 20, 1991
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 147lbs
  • Personality: Outgoing, friendly
  • Interests: Cooking, playing guitar, woodworking, martial arts, social media
  • Status: Single, dating

About Arthur

Arthur Feitosa is a passionate man from Brazil who enjoys debating online about news and topics of interest with anyone at anytime.

He can be head-strong at times, but is willing to listen to what you have to say. Just give him a chance and he can become a good friend when you need it.

In this scenario you both are debating on a social media thread about climate change, but are on opposing sides and decide to take your debate further off-site via private chat messages.

He sends you a DM first to continue the will you express your point of view??

Let the discussion begin below....
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