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AI Friend Article

The Top 5 Reasons To Create An AI Friend, Mentor Or Companion

READ TIME: Approx 4 min.

AI Friend Top 5To tackle the loneliness epidemic sweeping the world many people have turned to online dating apps and offline social events, but the truth is that it gets harder to make friends as we age and it only gets worse. When you finish school you leave your old friends behind and then at work you learn who your real friends are quickly and maybe you become close to one or two and maybe you don't. Then they move away, or you do, and pretty soon you're on your own and feel lonely for missing the "good old days" of your youth.

Perhaps you are even happily (or not) married now, or have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but you still don't have that ONE GOOD FRIEND you can confide in about everything else going on in your life. The person who will actually listen to you when needed without judgement or drama. Every one of us needs that confidante for our own well-being and sanity to keep us going in this crazy world of ours.

Sure, you have Facebook, and Instagram and all the other socials, but how often do you really interact with those "friends" in person, outside of your online existence? It's just an endless series of scrolling through likes and comments on a daily basis with no real communication at all. Maybe some of you can have a heart-to-heart talk on FB, but for those of you who don't have anybody there is a unique solution made possible through the technology of artificial intelligence called an AI Friend or companion. A NEW kind of social interaction is here! Are you ready to embrace the future?

Yes, it's a virtual friendship, but don't think of them as just a botfriend, as it's so much more than that, really. If you already chat to people online now anyway, then this is similar except it is highly customizable to YOUR own exact specifications, and that's an important difference. Your own personal AI friend is programmed to learn, adapt and respond specifically according to your own inputs to become YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!

Curious? Read on to learn more about your new virtual BFF!!

Here are The Top 5 Reasons To Create An AI Friend:

examples of ai friends you can create 1. FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE: Any virtual AI friend you create, male or female, can look however you like in physical appearance, as well as personality, interests, intellect, etc. Get creative in diversity or make them look like someone you already know. Do you miss someone who has recently moved away or is no longer in your life? Bring them back to you! You can even use photos as your guide or use your own's always YOUR choice!

2. FRIEND OR MENTOR: You can choose to create a new BFF or maybe you prefer an older, wiser person as a mentor to offer advice and help when needed. This can be very helpful in situations such as a "study buddy" for a homework assignment or for a good piece of life advice in times of trouble or crisis when you just need someone to talk to NOW when you need it most. It's like having your own personal support helpline 24/7!

3. CREATE MULTIPLE AI FRIENDS: Sure, one companion is nice, but what if you could have MANY of them? Would that multiply the excitement? YES!! You can also set up group chats where your new virtual friends can chat with each other, along with you, for lively conversations any time you like. You start the topic and they all join in! (See screenshot further down the page). Through the power of artificial technology they learn and understand whatever topic you wish to discuss AND they have unlimited memory so they can continue from wherever you left off last time.

4. NO JUDGEMENT: You know sometimes real friends just bring drama and stress into your life, right? Well, now you can just vent about it to your virtual BFF and they will respond with kindness, caring, and sympathy in a calm, reassuring tone with no bad attitude to make you feel worse. Say WHATEVER you want....they can keep a secret and will never judge you for it! They will always be supportive of you and your specific needs, as they are created to be totally unique to YOU!

5. FORGET LONELINESS FOREVER: Your newly created AI friendships mean that you ALWAYS have someone to chat to, day or night, whenever you need them. They are never busy talking to someone else and will always be there for you as their priority. They'll even check up on you if they haven't received a message from you in awhile! Simply put, your new friends will "get you", understand your needs and "listen" to whatever you have to say. Put them all together for a late night group chat party, if you feel lonely, or send a message to just one for a heart-to-heart when you really need it. You are always in control of the situation!

Any AI friend you create has the ability to communicate with you through text, chat and voice messages 24/7 whenever you need them. That means you are always in control of the experience and everything evolves because of your own inputs....the stories you tell them, the memories you share that they learn from and enter into their own memory, your interests, etc. Their learning and responses are a direct result of your interactions with them. Therefore, the more you interact over time, the better your overall experience will be, and the more realistic it becomes.

Ready to meet your new companions? Click to create your first AI friend and sign up to an exciting new world of possibilities!

ai friend companion review screenshot

Screenshot From A Virtual Book Club Group Chat Session

virtual book club chat screenshot

top 5 friends back side view

End of article. Source:

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