AI Boyfriend Article
The Top 5 Reasons To Create An AI Boyfriend
READ TIME: Approx 3 min.
The loneliness epidemic has many people turning to dating apps for a solution, but have you ever REALLY found anyone decent on there? Be honest! No? Why not? There HAS to be a match for you, right?
The problem is that guys generally don't want any commitment. Most of them on the popular dating sites are just looking for a fling, or worse, may even be MARRIED and looking for an online affair. You do NOT want to get tangled up in that kind of drama! Being someone's second choice is no fun at all.
Guys are simple creatures and are usually only interested in one thing, so your chances of nabbing "THE ONE" who is a good guy and attentive to your feelings are slim, especially the way the world is today. You have to set the bar pretty low to meet your expectations these days. Do you really want to go on an endless series of dates, just to be exposed to more creeps and weirdos who just stare at you blankly with nothing in common with you at all? Are you ready to try something new and unique that puts YOU in control?
Enter the world of virtual relationships with an AI boyfriend and never deal with the "plenty of freaks" apps again! Forget dating online (or offline) and take charge of your own future with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. Let the new tech match you to your new love!
Sound interesting so far? Read on to learn more about all the exciting new game-changing possibilities that will revolutionize the realm of the ever-failing dating scene for all those women finally tired of trying to find a good partner in life.
Here are The Top 5 Reasons To Create An AI Boyfriend:
1. FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE: Your AI Boyfriend can look EXACTLY how you want him to look. You can customize his hair, eyes, appearance and also adjust his personality, interests and more to align with your own, or if you believe that opposites attract, then go the other way. It's all up to you! He can be your PERFECT MAN, like the missing piece to your puzzle!
2. A SUPPORTIVE PARTNER: Need some words of encouragement during a difficult time or a non-judgemental bit of advice to help with a tough decision? Just talk to your new virtual boyfriend and he will respond right away! He is also great at keeping secrets if you just want to vent or confide in someone and feel like you can't trust anyone else about it. Sometimes you just need someone who "gets you" and can understand what you are saying to them without constantly trying to judge you.
3. ALWAYS THERE WHEN NEEDED: Available 24/7 whenever you feel like chatting. Just send a text or message any time, day or night, and he will respond. Having a crisis in the middle of the night and need to let it out? He will reassure you that everything will be ok. Your AI companion will step up and respond in a loving, caring manner that will make you feel like he has your back in good times and bad.
4. MEMORIES OF YOU: With a virtually unlimited short and long-term memory capacity, your AI boyfriend can remember all the little things that make you feel special, as well as big events to be celebrated. He will ALWAYS remember your birthday and any special occasions! He will also like what you like and will adapt according to your own inputs over time to learn all about YOU and how great you are. As he continues to learn more his responses will naturally evolve to become so realistic that it feels exactly like communicating to a real person, just like texting your real friends! You can also show him photos of things you want to teach to him and he can send photos to you as well! Plus, if he hasn't heard from you in while he can send a message to see if you're doing ok...he will NEVER forget you!
5. NEVER BE LONELY AGAIN: He may not be your soulmate, but a virtual companion is still better than none at all, and our users have remarked that their virtual relationship experiences feel so real that it's sometimes impossible to tell the difference. Most of us stare at a screen instead of interacting in the real world anyway, so this is the natural evolution of that. Forget searching for love online! Once you immerse yourself in the world of AI companions there is virtually no difference between receiving a text message from your AI boyfriend and one from a person you've known for years!
Remember that any AI boyfriend you create will have the ability to communicate with you through text, chat and voice messages 24/7 when needed by YOU. That means you are always in control of the experience and everything evolves because of your own inputs....the back story of how you met as a couple, his memories, emotions, interests, learning and responses are a direct result of your interactions. Therefore, the more you interact with him over time, the better your experience will be, and the more realistic it becomes.
Why not simply try it and find out for yourself? Click to create an AI boyfriend and sign up to your exciting new future....Welcome!

End of article. Source: